
Access Bank is a partner that takes the time to understand you and your financial needs.

Whatever the need, our personal loan facilities are available to help you gain access to more funds so you can be financially secure.

We would love to hear from you. Reach out to us and find out how we can assist you.

  • Interest rate - Prime Linked.
  • Minimum repayment period - 12 months.
  • Maximum repayment period - 84 months.
  • Repayments are deducted directly from the current account.
  • Interest accrued daily and charged monthly.
  • Credit Life insurance.
  • The monthly installment is deducted through a standing order arrangement from the current account.
  • Access to our online banking options.
  • Proof of Identification Contract (Non-Citizens).
  • Payslip/proof of income.
  • Proof of Physical Address (e.g. Current utility bill, a letter from the local chief and Council rates invoice not older than 3 months) not older than three months.


Financial Tools

Need some assistanceclaculating how much a payment will be or how quickly you can pay off your debt? Our financial calculators here to help!